University Press Alert


New books from university presses

(1) Embedding Subversion and Gender Identity: The Grammar and Use of ‘Ulti’, the Secret Language of the Koti Community in Bengal
Enakshi Nandi
ISBN: 9788195639250
View at publisher (Columbia University Press)

(2) Human Spoken Interaction as a Complex Adaptive System: A Longitudinal Study of L2 Interaction
Aki Siegel; Paul Seedhouse
ISBN: 9781399522687
View at publisher (Edinburgh University Press)

(3) North East Vernacular English Online: Legitimisation Strategies in Crisis and Conflict
Michael Pearce
ISBN: 9781399520171
View at publisher (Edinburgh University Press)

(4) Stories Can Save Us: America’s Best Narrative Journalists Explain How
By Matt Tullis
ISBN: 9-780-8203-6675-3
View at publisher (University of Georgia Press)

(5) Social Mediations: Writing for Digital Public Spheres
Donna LeCourt
ISBN: 9780822948179
View at publisher (University of Pittsburgh Press)

(6) Foreign Tongues: Victorian Language Learning and the Shaping of Modern Ireland
Gaffney, Phyllis
ISBN: 9781739086312
View at publisher (University Press of Chicago)

(7) Grammar and Poetry in Late Medieval and Early Modern Wales: The Transmission and Reception of the Welsh Bardic Grammars
Jacques, Michaela
ISBN: 9781837720996
View at publisher (University Press of Chicago)